Our Vision

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The ubiquitous information technology which realizes seamless communications is essential for bringing about the revitalization of our country in which the aged society will certainly dominate in the near future. In February 2002, a new research center, Nanoelectronics Collaborative Research Center (NCRC), was established at University of Tokyo for the purpose of realizing core technologies for the development of the ubiquitous information devices based on nanotechnologies. The NCRC is jointly operated by Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) and Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), University of Tokyo. The NCRC located on Komaba Research Campus aims at becoming one of the Center of Excellence (COE) in the world of advanced nano-photonics and electronics.
The NCRC investigates nanophotonic and electron devices in close collaboration with various industrial leaders, domestic universities, and overseas universities which are actively conducting research in this field. The NCRC will develop a collaborative research network between universities and industries, as well as training young persons of exceptional ability who can take a strong leadership role in the nanoelectronics field.
The NCRC is the organization selected to execute a large national project, "Nano-Photonic and Electron Devices Technology", which is one of the MEXT Focused Research and Development Projects. This project was started in 2002 as a five year project with the aim of developing innovative technologies for nano-photonic and electron devices with semiconductor nanotechnologies including quantum dots and photonic crystals. This project is jointly executed with a METI national project, "Development of Photonic Network Devices", of which the core research lab is located on also Komaba Research Campus.
By making substantial contribution to these collaborative national projects, the NCRC will establish future information device technology based on nanotechnologies, with the hope of aiming at establishing a safe society full of vitality. Such joint collaboration among universities and industrial leaders is key for the great success of the inter-ministry projects. We hope our projects will be strongly supported and encouraged by all of you.

Yasuhiko Arakawa
Director of Nanoelectronics Collaborative Research Center

©2002-2006 Nanoelectronics Collaborative Research Center